Frequently Asked Questions:
Where is science homework posted? Jupiter and/or Google Classroom.
When is science homework due? Dates will vary- please check the individual assignment.
When is my Science Reading Log due? Every Monday your log from the previous week is due by 7:45 am.
Where can I find my Science Reading Log? This can be found as a reocurring assignment on Jupiter.
Where is classwork posted? Google Classroom under the section titled Digital Notebooks
Should I complete the digital notebook if I was absent and missed the lesson? YES- you will get a time extension but you should make up missing work in order to learn all important concepts. The only exception is when we use a material in class that you my not have at home.
Where can I review information in order to study or make up missed work? The back of your digital notebooks have resources posted there. See each one for different resources like websites, videos, etc.
What should I do if I really do not understand something we learned in class? First, review the lessons and other resources provided. You can also talk to Mrs. Kadansky about setting up a time to come up during lunch if you still have questions.
How do I know how I am graded? Check Jupiter for the grade breakdown.
Is there extra credit? Before you ask about extra credit, ask if there is any work you can revise. For example, you can revise digital notebooks and resubmit them on Google Classroom. I will increase your grade so long as you implement the feedback.
What else can I do to study? Aside from reviewing the lessons, your digital notebook, and vocabulary, you can also review specific concepts in the book "Everything You Need to Ace Science in One Big Fat Notebook: The Complete Middle School Study Guide" which you can buy on many websites including amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Everything-You-Need-Science-Notebook/dp/0761160957/ref=sr_1_3?crid=QLRGT20JP0UV&keywords=middle+school+science&qid=1695578899&sprefix=middle+school+scienc%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-3